Sunday, June 14, 2009

Kgari Sechele I Museum

Sadly [and we are all very sad about our imminent departure!], we took our last Sunday excursion out of Gabs today - at least for this stay in Botswana. We went to Molepolole, otherwise known as Moleps, onetime capital of the Bakwena. It is not far, past the bus station and Gaborone Hotel, then the Grand Palm, and Mogoditshane, the car sales capital of Botswana, and about another 40 km. Many people were out, probably enjoying a nice day after our several days of 'after the harvest' rains. It looks like the road is in the process of being widened which slowed things down a bit, but will make for a much nicer drive some day.

Our goal in Molepolole was the Kgari Sechele I Museum. Unfortunately it was closed even though all the information says it is open Sunday 1-5 pm. Molepololele seems a sizeable town. We also saw the LMS church and Scottish Livingstone Hospital, once closely related though the latter is now a government hospital. In any case, it turns out that these small museums that we have visited are considered 'regional' museums and there are five of them in Botswana (with the National Museum in Gaborone, which administers them all, a sixth museum). Early on in our stay, while on the UB Cultural Excursion, we visited to the Phutadikobo Museum in Mochudi and while in Serowe recently we visited the Khama III Museum. Two that we have not visited are the Nhabe Museum in Maun and the Supa-Ngwato Museum in Francistown. The Kgari Sechele I Museum is a fifth.

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